Hi. My name is Tony Miano. Maybe I handed you the gospel tract that led you to this site. Maybe you picked up a tract I placed somewhere, hoping you would find it. Or maybe you picked up a tract that had been discarded by someone else. Regardless of how you received my tract, I'm glad you are here. On this site, you will find wonderful information to assist you in what I hope is your journey to faith in Jesus Christ. I am praying for you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Greetings, Cougars!

Thanks for reading my gospel tract. And thank you for visiting this blog. You are likely here because you are one of 200 students who received this gospel tract from me, today (11-13-12).

While a few gospel tracts, like the one above, ended up in the trash or on the pavement, you read yours and then you came here. I'm very encouraged by that.

There's a lot of helpful information for you in the right-side column. Please take a look around.

And if you live in the Santa Clarita Valley and you are looking for a church to attend, please accept my invitation to visit my church, Faith Community Church, in Newhall.

Thanks again for reading the tract and for stopping by. I am praying for you. :-)


  1. I didn't get one, but I have been on your lawman YOUTUBE site, though.
    By the grace of God, I'm also preaching the glorious good message of salvation, with the difference that I'm beginner at open air, but I love doing it.
    This is only to let you know I've been encouraged by God through your ministry, really. Press on!
    Greetings from Costa Rica, Central America
    Salem Waldron

  2. I have to say that I am absolutely appalled by what you've written on your tracts. If we want peace in this world, we have to be accepting of everyone and love all religions. I don't care if you go to a church, a temple, a mosque or whatever. The point is to stop fighting and coexist.

    I say coexist because you copied your tract from the coexist bumper sticker, with a religious symbol in place of letters. However, your message is the opposite. You want to spread hate and war until all the "contradictions" recognize that you're right, simply because that happens to be your opinion. With people like you in this world, I guarantee that we will never have peace and we'll just fight one useless war after another.

    I'm not religious. By birth I am half Episcopalian and half Jewish. I know both religions in detail, and Episcopalians share my belief that it doesn't matter if you pray to Jesus, Allah, or Yahweh--you just cannot hate anyone else. Jews know what it feels like to be hated. Thanks to WWII, I don't know half my lineage. I'm part Polish, part Russian, part Latvian, part British, and part god knows what thanks to that unspeakable bigotry.

    I found your tract on the Metro red line. I'm keeping it as a reminder of why the world is in dire straits today. You're not part of the problem. You are the problem.

  3. Kitri,

    Why are you so judgmental? Why are you so intolerant of those who do not believe as you do? Why are you so hateful?

    I wonder if you can see the utter hypocrisy in your comments.

  4. I have no patience for anyone who says their way is the only way. Any belief method that dictates hatred of the other is wrong. I tolerate all ideologies because I do not believe there is a single right way to live your life. But I don't tolerate every single person who exists, and I never said I did.

    You're locked into a permanent either-or philosophy: either you believe in Jesus and God and the Holy Trinity, or you're eternally damned to hell. How do you know it exists? How do you have any proof? Has anyone ever been there and told you about it? You need to open your eyes and look around.

  5. Your argument is fallacious. You set up a straw man by errantly asserting that the exclusivity of Jesus Christ "dictates hatred of the other."

    And you know that the God of the Bible exists and is the only true God. But because of your hatred of God and your love of self and sin you suppress that truth (Romans 1:18-32).

    Praying for you, today.

  6. You should be praying for yourself, not me. I don't hate God. I just don't believe in God. If he ever came to earth then I'd believe he existed. You've made your own straw man--by not believing in God, I must hate him.

    You've said it yourself: you cannot tolerate other religions. What is intolerance if not hatred?

  7. You do believe in God. You simply suppress the truth. No straw man in my assertion. God's Word testifies that you are a hater of God because you suppress the truth you know about God.

    And I never said I cannot tolerate other religions. The fact that I believe they are all false doesn't equate to hatred of those who practice false religions.

    You need to turn from your sin and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

    By the way, how hateful is it for me to continue talking to you after you have shown such intolerance for my faith in Christ and you blaspheme God.

    You are simply living the delusion of atheism. And the false god of atheism is the god of self. But the Word of God makes it clear that you are without excuse (Romans 1:18-32).

  8. Hi Tony, it's Isabel from Palmdale Ca. I just wanted you to know I love love love the new gospel tracts. I ordered some for me and some for dear friends in Florida. These are such a joy to give out. I'm going to have to order some more since I am running out. : ) Thank you again for coming up with this wonderful gospel tracts.
