Hi. My name is Tony Miano. Maybe I handed you the gospel tract that led you to this site. Maybe you picked up a tract I placed somewhere, hoping you would find it. Or maybe you picked up a tract that had been discarded by someone else. Regardless of how you received my tract, I'm glad you are here. On this site, you will find wonderful information to assist you in what I hope is your journey to faith in Jesus Christ. I am praying for you.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Did you find a business card on your car, today, with the word "CONTRADICT" on the front? If so, I hope you took the time to read the back of the card, which reads:
Contradict: “to imply the opposite or a denial of.” This card depicts symbols for ten of the world’s best-known religions. Nine imply the opposite or denial of…the truth. Nine contradict what is true. Only one symbol represents the truth—the cross. Most people in the world are walking contradictions. They assert they are good, when in their heart and mind they know they are not (Romans 2:15-16). See for yourself. Have you ever lied, stolen, taken God’s name in vain, harbored hatred or lust in your heart, or committed idolatry by practicing one of the many false religions of the world? Then God does not see you as good. God will see you as one who has broken His Law and sinned against Him. God’s punishment for sin is eternity in Hell. God has provided only one way for you to receive forgiveness of your sins and the joy of eternal life in Heaven. God sent His Son to earth in the person of Jesus Christ—fully God and fully Man, who knew no sin. He voluntarily went to the cross where He shed His innocent blood and died, taking upon Him the punishment you deserve. Three days later, He defeated sin and death when He rose from the grave. What God commands you to do is repent (turn from your sin and turn to God) and, by faith alone, receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Repent, believe the gospel, and stop living a life of contradiction. “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’ (John 14:6). Turn to Christ and live.
If you have any questions about what you read, please email me at: info@crossencountersmin.com.

I am praying for you.