Thanks for reading my gospel tract. And thank you for visiting this blog. You are likely here because you are one of 200 students who received this gospel tract from me, today (11-13-12).
While a few gospel tracts, like the one above, ended up in the trash or on the pavement, you read yours and then you came here. I'm very encouraged by that.
There's a lot of helpful information for you in the right-side column. Please take a look around.
And if you live in the Santa Clarita Valley and you are looking for a church to attend, please accept my invitation to visit my church, Faith Community Church, in Newhall.
Thanks again for reading the tract and for stopping by. I am praying for you. :-)
Hi. My name is Tony Miano. Maybe I handed you the gospel tract that led you to this site. Maybe you picked up a tract I placed somewhere, hoping you would find it. Or maybe you picked up a tract that had been discarded by someone else. Regardless of how you received my tract, I'm glad you are here. On this site, you will find wonderful information to assist you in what I hope is your journey to faith in Jesus Christ. I am praying for you.